Cardon de Jandia

Cardon de Jandía: the symbol of Fuerteventura

The Cardon de Jandía is a succulent plant typical of Fuerteventura. Until the 1920s it was very common here on the island but today it has become almost endangered as many people have taken several specimens to take them to private gardens or elsewhere.
For this reason, the government has implemented a conservation plan which primarily provides that the Cardon de Jandía, whose botanical name corresponds to Euphorbia Handiensis, is classified as a naturalistic symbol of the island of Fuerteventura (together with the well-known bird avutarda). Furthermore, a seed conservation program has been launched in germplasm banks, places suitable for conserving plant biodiversity.
In any case, if you visit Fuerteventura today, you can easily admire the Eophorbia handiensis in the areas between Morro Jable and the Faro de Jandia, where it grows at ease between stony soils and volcanic bottoms. Cardon de Jandía can reach a meter in height with very, very slow progression and it flowers between May and June. If you see it, have great respect for it!

Medicinal uses of Cardon de Jandia

In the past people used the latex that comes out of the plant for the treatment of skin problems such as warts, eczema and others.
Always keep in mind that “do it yourself” in medicine is not good practice and, above all, touching or damaging endangered plants even less.
Rather look for some natural product of the island made by the locals.
There are many with Aloe for example.

Cover image credit: Jorge Íñiguez Yarza on Flickr

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