Lanzarote endless roads, Lanzarote, Tenesar

The endless roads of Lanzarote

I can’t hide the fact that one of the things I love most about Lanzarote are its endless roads.
These very long strips of asphalt that cross seas of lava or long coasts that never seem to end.

Being able to drive or walk without worrying about traffic, just admiring the landscape is the best you can do while traveling the streets of Lanzarote.

The Lz-1 is the coastal road that leads from Arrecife to Orzola, up in the north of the island.
You pass from expanses of green to sand, admiring the blue of the ocean.

Lanzarote endless road

Traveling along the Lz-402, all of a sudden all the beauty of Caleta de Famara will open up before you and it will be a heart sinking experience, a stage that opens after a long wait!
Almost all the very long streets of Lanzarote are a bit like this (long wait with final wonder), but I must say that Caleta de Famara has a unique and surprising effect with all that sand, the ocean with its often high waves and the village with white houses.
So many emotions for the sight!

But to better understand all the endless of Lanzarote’s roads you should go into more remote places looking for lava areas and some really remote areas.

Where there is nothing and only the road passes, the feeling of feeling like a passenger among uncontaminated nature is truly remarkable.
…and the roads never seem to end.

The best way to travel

Personally, when I take an endless road in Lanzaratote, I tend to feel a great sense of peace and calm.
The speed is always calm so I can enjoy the landscape and the window is lowered to feel the wind on my face and the scent of the island.
I look at what’s around me and if I find a place to stop I stop to take some photos.
If I have some time I also go for a walk.
The boiling heat of the asphalt under your feet while the view is lost towards infinity is the best you can find without having planned it.

During my first trip to Lanzarote, I also found a very good restaurant once…
This is why I go slowly and always look around with the window open.
Perfumes are important and we are a bit like bloodhounds looking for good memories to carry in our hearts forever…

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