Program Corralejo Carnival '24

Complete program of the Corralejo and La Oliva ’24 Carnival

The program of the ’24 Corralejo and La Oliva Carnival has finally been revealed.
There will be a Carnival day in La Oliva on Saturday 2 March and then the Carnival of Carnivals from 7 to 17 March in Corralejo as per the announced programme.

Saturday March 2

Carnaval de La Corbata in La Oliva
3:30 p.m.: Carnival ride with your disguised bicycle;
4:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Verbena de La Corbata by the groups NKlave, Kandela and Orquestra Mambo Latino.

Thursday March 7

7:30 p.m.: Parade and entertainment by the children’s and adult carnival groups.
Murga, troupes and dance group of the municipality together with the batucadas Bloco da Ilha and Sambukka (Puerto del Rosario), in addition to the presentation of Mrs. Sardina (Departure from calle Acacia, Brisamar, to the carnival stage located on calle Playa Cho León).
Upon arriving at the stage, proclamation by the former members of Las Chinchosas murga, subsequent presentation of Carnival groups and drawing of the order of departure of the candidates for Child, Adult and Grand Lady of the Carnival Queen.

Friday March 8

Adult Queen election gala
8:30 p.m.: Gala of the Adult Queen of the Carnival of Carnivals with performances by the municipality’s carnival groups: Murga La Sargoriás.
At its end until 3:00 a.m.: Gran Verbena amented by the orchestra La Makyné by Tamarindos and Grupo Arena (Gran Canaria).

Saturday March 9

Day carnival
From 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: 7th edition of the Solidarity Carnival Race;
12.00: parade of the Atlantida Comparsa from Calle La Iglesia to the stage (Avenida Nuestra Se?ora Del Carmen);
1:30 p.m.-4:00 a.m.: start of the musical performances by:

Las Sabrosa y Maquinaria Band (Tenerife)

Grupo Arena (Gran Canaria)

Kandela ( Fuerteventura)

Grupo Bomba (Fuerteventura)

Grupo Nuevo Klan (Fuerteventura)

Juan Manuel de La Linea and his band.

During the course of the day, the best carnival character will be chosen (jury deliberation at 8:00 p.m.)
At 2:00 a.m. deliberation to the jury for the Best adult costume in the Individual, Couple and Group categories

Sunday March 10

Children’s Queen election gala
6:00 p.m.: Gala of the Children’s Queen of the Carnival of the Carnivals of the Municipality of La Oliva with the performances of the murga Los Garabatos, a youth children’s comparsa Sabor a Corumba, groups: Rio, Bebe Jefazo, Team Beach Movie by Irene Acosta, Babies Queens and Mini Queens and the groups from La Academia Urban Dance Lucia and Mifaya Dance.

Monday March 11

Grand Dame Gala
7:00 p.m.: Great Lady of the Carnival election gala with the participation of the Savia Joven carnival group from the Municipality of Antigua, the Seniors group from the “Mayores en forma” project from La Oliva and a performance by Laly Lean.

Tuesday March 12

Drag Queen Gala
9:00 p.m.: Dreag Queen Grand Gala. Tourist event with the participation of the most important Drag queens in the Canary Islands.

Wednesday March 13

Carnival school meeting
10.00h: II meeting of the carnival school with the participation of the CEIP lì La Oliva, El Tostón, Villaverde and the IES Corralejo.
5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.: Verbena infantil and small party with carnival workshops, inflatables, animated characters, traditional games, individual, couple and group costume contest, photo booth and much more.

Thursday March 14

Dance Gala
7:00 p.m.: Dance gala with performances by children’s and adult groups from the municipality: children’s youth group Sabor a Corumba, Comparsa Atlántida and other groups from Antigua, Gran Tarajal and Puerto del Rosario.

Friday March 15

Murgas Marathon
10:00 a.m.: parade of school students through the streets of Corralejo;
8:00 p.m.: murgas marathon with the participation of children’s murgas from Villaverde, Puerto del Rosario, Gran Tarajal and Corralejo.
At the end until 3:00 a.m.: Gran Verbena by N-Klave and Nuevo Klan.

Saturday March 16

Coso Carnevalero
6:30 p.m.: Coso carnevalero (carnival parade) with all the floats and all the groups that wish to participate.
Leave from the Chupa Chups roundabout, Avenida Nuestra Se?ora Del Carmen.
9:00 p.m.-4:00 a.m.: Last Verbena by the Kandela Group and the Grupo Bomba y Furia Joven Orchestra.

Sunday March 17

Burial of the Sardine
7:00 p.m.: accompaniment of Mrs. Sardina from the Hoplaco roundabout (Avenida N’stra S.ra de Carmen) to the little dock.
Upon arrival we will say goodbye to Mrs. Sardina and then burn fireworks

Please Note:All events will be held in the enabled venue attached to the José Perdomo Umpierrez municipal pavilion.

For all the complete info and much more on the Corralejo and La Oliva ’24 Carnival program, you can consult the official website of the Municipality

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